This talk was taken from a teisho by Harada Sekkei Roshi given in Germany in 1984.


Before Zen was transmitted to China, sutras, precepts, and treatises/commentaries had already been introduced into the country.


Bodhidharma was the first one to bring Zen into China.


That's why it is called “a separate transmission outside the sutras.” Zen was transmitted separately from the teachings.


In addition, “Not dependent on words or letters.” It is a teaching that does not utilize letters or words.



Do not seek Buddha in sutras. Also, you should not seek Buddha in the precepts. And you should not seek Buddha even in theory and discourse. Bodhidharma taught that no matter how much one studies within these three kinds of Buddhist scripture/texts, it is impossible to grasp the true Buddhadharma.


The teaching that Bodhidharma transmitted to China is the Zen of shikantaza, koan, and other means (like becoming the breathing) that we are sitting now.


This is exactly the same as the enlightenment of Bodhidharma and the enlightenment of the Buddha Shakyamuni


Additionally, It is the same as Dogen Zenji, who transmitted the Dharma to Japan. There is absolutely no difference in content, quality, or quantity.


Therefore, when you truly become selfless through some casual connection, some cause and effect circumstance, then you will be able to awaken just as Shakyamuni did.


Therefore, you create the causal circumstances yourself. Without your creating the factors/causal circumstances/originating causes, then it is impossible to become enlightened, to awaken to the true self.


This doesn't just mean that someone only had some  one-time kind of awakening experience. But in fact it becomes one’s entire life. Now enlightenment fills one’s whole life.


There are many books out that only say that such and such an experience happened at such and such a time, and that it is such and such a thing, but that is a serious mistake.


What you really see clearly is that before you had that awakening experience, when you had it, and after you had it, that they were all within enlightenment itself.


Otherwise, you will never be able to say that things as-they-are are full and complete as they are. If the content/substance of past, present, and future are not one, it cannot be argued that things are fine as they are.


This is the condition of things as they are before you began doing zazen practice, and it is things as they are now as you sit in zazen enduring the suffering as your legs hurt, and it is things as they are when you have really dropped off mind and body.


This is the Zen we are seeking now, and it is the Buddha's teaching. Please understand this well and really devote yourself to Zen practice.