随聞記 六ノ七 |
Zuimonki 6-7 |
亦云く、学道の用心は只本執を放下すべし |
Dogen also said, The essential point to be careful about in practicing the Way is casting aside your deep-rooted attachment to things. |
まづ身の威儀をさきとしてあらたむれば心も随ふて改まるなり |
If you first change your physical behavior, your mind will be reformed as well. |
先づ律儀戒行を守れば心も随ふて改まるべし |
First, carry out what is prescribed to do and avoid what is prohibited in the precepts; then your mind will reform (straighten out) of itself. |
宋土には、俗人等の常の習ひに、父母に孝養の為に宗廟にて各各聚会し泣まねをするほどに、終には実に泣なり |
In China, there is a custom among lay people of gathering at their ancestral shrine and pretending to cry, to demonstrate their filial piety toward their fathers and mothers. Eventually, they actually begin to cry. |
学道の人も、初めより道心なくとも、 只しひて仏道を好み学せば終には実の道心も起るべきなり |
Students of the Way! Even if you don’t have Bodhi-mind in the beginning, if you make yourself practice the Buddha-Way, eventually you will arouse true Bodhi-mind. |
初心学道の人は、只衆に随ふて行道すべきなり |
Especially beginners in the Way should just practice [the Way] following the others in the sangha. |
はやく用心故実等を学し知らんと思ふことなかれ |
Do not be in a hurry to study and understand the essential points and ancient examples. |
用心故実等のことも、只独り山にも入り市にもかくれて行ぜん時、あやまりなく能く知たるは好きことなり |
It is good to understand such things without misinterpretation when you enter the mountains or seclude yourselves in a city. |
衆に随ふて行ぜば道を得べきなり |
If you practice following the other practitioners, you will surely attain the Way. |
たとへば船にのりて行には、 我は漕ゆくやうをも知ざれども、よき船師に任せてゆけば知たるも知ざるも彼の岸に至るか如し |
It is like making a voyage. Even though you don’t know how to steer the ship, if you leave everything to the skill of the sailors, whether you understand or not, you will reach the other shore. |
善知識に随て衆と共に行じて私しなければ自然に道人となるなり |
Only if you follow a good teacher and practice with fellow practitioners without harboring personal views, will you naturally become a person of the Way. |
学道の人、たとひ悟りを得ても、今は至極と思ふて行道をやむることなかれ |
Students of the Way, even if you have attained enlightenment, do not stop practicing |
道は無窮なり悟りても猶行道すべし |
Do not think that you have reached the pinnacle. The Way is endless. Even if you have attained enlightenment, continue to practice the Way. |
むかし良遂座主の麻谷に参ずる因縁を思ふべし |
Remember the story of Ryosui who visited Zen Master Mayoku1. |
1. The lecturer Ryosui (?–?) visited Mayoku (?–?) a disciple of Baso. Upon seeing Ryosui coming, Mayoku took a hoe and went to hoeing up weeds. Although Ryosui went to where Mayoku was working, Mayoku paid no attention to him, went back to his room, and shut the gate. Ryosui visited Makoku again the next day. Makoku shut the gate again. Ryosui knocked on the door. Mayoku asked, “Who is it?” “It’s Ryosui!” When the lecturer called out his own name, he suddenly attained enlightenment, and said, “Master, do not deceive Ryosui. If I had not come to see you, I would have been deceived by the sutras and śastras my whole life.” When Ryosui went back, he gave a speech to his class, “All you know, Ryosui knows. What Ryosui knows, you don’t know.” Then he quit giving lectures and had the people leave. |