The following zoom
teisho Koten Roshi gave in November 2023. It was first given by
Harada Sekkei Roshi at a sesshin in Einturnen, Germany sometime in the 1980s.
I’d like you to be careful about
your demeanor. We are living within a group. Because of this I hope
everyone’s manner doesn’t become disorderly or disturbing.
Even so, those whose legs hurt
while sitting can sit in a chair.
Even if that is unsuitable, then
lying down in bed is also ok.
Zazen is not something that narrow
and confining.
It is conducting one’s daily life
at all times without a gap between oneself and things, without perceiving a
gap between oneself and things. That is what Zen is.
Accordingly, as you sit zazen here,
if there is a separation between yourself and the zazen you are doing, then
this does not conform with the true meaning of zazen.
If it were true that zazen is
something that can only be done in the sitting position, then someone who is
ill and lying in bed in a hospital would be unable to do zazen. And the
question would then arise if a sick person would really be able to attain
peace of mind. But this is not so. Even while lying down it is possible to
give guidance about zazen practice.
Due to differences in cultures
between East and West, and other differences in living environment, I have
seen with my own eyes the pain and trouble the Westerners go through in order
to endeavor in zazen practice. I think it is remarkable.
In the process of Zen gradually
spreading here in the West, everyone here now and those also who will be
coming here for future instruction should think seriously about this matter.
Therefore during breaks in zazen
and rest periods, or after kinhin, I recommend you may return to your rooms
and do some stretching and bending exercises for your legs to help relieve
Of those in the past who truly
awakened, only a few, a very few were enlightened while sitting zazen.
Almost all of those who forgot the
egoself were doing some kind of activity like working, doing kinhin, or were
taking a walk somewhere.
What does this mean? It means that
one becomes attached to sitting, to the form of sitting, to zazen. In other
words, because we become too attached to quiet sitting, it becomes very
difficult to forget the self.
When speaking about Zen practice I
speak of two ways or modes of practice. One is quiet Zen, Zen within quiet or
silence; the second is active Zen, Zen while in activity. I instruct using
these two ways or modes/forms.
Even for monks living in a
monastery the time spent in the zendo, or meditation hall, each day is very
Except for the time during
sesshins, only two hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening are
scheduled for sitting in the zendo.
This is why I am constantly
admonishing everyone about Zen practice in activity, that is, about Zen
practice during work, Zen during eating, Zen through chanting sutras, Zen
through religious begging, and so on.
Here in your country after sesshins
finish I think most participants will return to their homes and return to
their work. Here, too, is Zen in activity. Just as I mentioned, at home or at
work, both are important places to continue Zen practice.
For those people who have been
sitting for a long time, one perhaps doesn’t feel so much a difference or gap
between activity Zen and quiet sitting Zen. But for someone who is rather new
to zazen, it can be said that during activities such as work or chanting
sutras that most people will forget or lose their Zen practice.
I would like you to be very aware
of the fact that it is really a huge mistake to only practice Zen here in the
zendo while sitting.
What we call Zen is something that
is our own personal matter. For this reason, it is no good to practice in a
way that sometimes we perceive/acknowledge the self, and then sometimes not
perceiving/acknowledging the self.
For most of you, when you are doing
work or activity of some kind, you have completely forgotten your Zen
practice, left it behind somewhere. Many people are like that.
Then, when you enter the zendo,
your Zen practice starts.
This is not the true meaning of
This is why, from now on, starting
right now, I would like you all to continue your daily lives in such a way
that in both quiet/stillness and in activity/movement that you do not neglect
your Zen practice nor forget or lose it in your daily lives.
It may not be easy to make the
change or transition from quiet or sitting Zen to activity or work Zen. But
you only have to take the sitting Zen as it is and transplant/channel it into
the activity of the present moment.
Grasping now the importance of Zen
in activity, you can return home with the firm understanding that when you
work, the work itself is Zen as it is. Then with this understanding, I think
your sitting practice now will become easier/more comfortable.
And then, what we call Zazen is
always the outcome.
Therefore, asking why we do zazen,
it is to become zazen. We do zazen for the sake of zazen, for it’s own sake.
Likewise, we also do work in this
same way.
Therefore, other than that, we must
not seek some purpose or intention other than for the present activity
It is the same for Shikantaza, for
koans and other practice devices, for counting the breathing or simply
watching the breaths; these are not methods or means to an end.
For Zen, the means is at once the
end itself.
Therefore for those people who are
sitting shikantaza, sitting shikantaza is at once the outcome. So please
don’t use shikantaza as a tool or means to an end.
Along with this, dokusan is held.
In dokusan you should bring your sitting condition just as it is here in the
zendo now, bring that in front of me.
Other than that there’s really not
much else to bring to the dokusan room.
Also, in dokusan at times I might
explain to one person that white is black.
There may be others who I may have
to say that black is white.
The reason for this is that the
zazen of each and every person is different.
So, in order to avoid confusion please don’t
exchange information among yourselves about what was said during dokusan.
Zazen and dokusan are two things that are
inseparable yet not the same. Because they cannot be separated, anyone who
wishes to go to dokusan should go, however many times it may be.
During dokusan I may talk about various
things, and I would like those people who go to dokusan to follow what I have
to say.