
Sandokai begins,“The Mind of the Great Sage of India is intimately transmitted from East to West.”


Chikudo in the Japanese text refers to the country of India


And India at the same time means Shakyamuni Buddha.


The mind of the great sage is Buddha Mind, or Busshin. It is thusness or suchness, and it is what we call Buddha Nature.


The great sage of course refers to Shakyamuni Buddha.


In the context of Zen, it means awakening to the Great Matter; it expresses The Treasury of the True Dharma Eye the Marvelous Mind of Nirvana; and it conveys no-birth/no-death. All of these things are regarded as "the Mind of the Great sage."



“Intimately transmitted East and West.” This means intimacy, closeness; in other words, seamless.


It is not where two pieces of cloth are sewn together with a seam between them.


The true meaning of intimacy is no distance, where no seam exists.


East and West here means the 10 directions: north, south, east and west, the directions in between, plus up and down. In other words, vast in size.


It doesn't mean from east to west, or that the Buddha Mind was transmitted from east to west.


The reference to east and west here points to the vastness of the ten directions, of the whole of the universe.



Referring to vastness, this points to the entire universe; and in regard to the Zen standpoint, of what is close at hand, this points to the present state or condition, as it is, of each and every person


Here Sekito Kisen is saying, as plain as the nose on our face, the condition of we ourselves, as we are, is Buddha Mind, the Mind of the Great Sage.


In a Buddhist prayer for certain ceremonies, it is written, “The body of Buddha spreads throughout the entire Buddha world/realm manifesting due to cause and effect everywhere in front of all creation. There is no place it does not reach.”


It is saying that all of us are already endowed with the mind of the great sage.


We only have to awaken to, realize that fact, that we are fully endowed, with nothing lacking and nothing to rid ourselves of.


In this way, “The Mind of the Great Sage of India is intimately transmitted from East to West”is we ourselves with what we are already in possession of now, with nothing lacking or missing and nothing to rid ourselves of or free ourselves from.


But still, as Dogen Zenji points out, “Without practice this does not manifest; without personal proof there is no realization.”


We may well understand intellectually “true form is no form”or the dharma of thusness (things themselves simply as they are), but somehow this understanding or“I understand”itself becomes an obstruction


Therefore, “Without practice this does not manifest; without personal proof there is no realization.”


One way or another, it becomes necessary to employ or adopt a method or means in what we call the Buddha Way, or Zen, in order to practice.


Then by that means we can realize for ourselves the truth of the teaching. But without this realization it is impossible to truly consent to it.


In regard to the Dharma though, “The Mind of the Great Sage of India is intimately transmitted from East to West.”


“The mind of the Great Sage”is without mistake something already intimately ours. So it is not some hidden, faraway new something that we set out to find.

修し、證すことによって、「なるほど、このままでよかったんだ、ほかを探す必要がなかったんだ」 と己にたりて、他に待つことのない自分であったということに気がつくということです

Through investigation and personal proof, we come to realize for ourselves, “Indeed, from the beginning everything always has been complete just as it is; there was never any need to seek anything else.”We awaken to the fact that there was no need to wait for something outside of, or other than, ourselves.


The core or point of our practice is we whole-heartedly search for something weve misplaced or lost, then we come to realize or wake up to the fact that, “Ah, its always been right here!”


In short, some of you hearing the teaching that“What we are seeking is our own present condition” will still imagine some ideal or dream far, far from ones present condition. But that is just not the case at all.


I would just like you to keep that in mind.