This Sandokai discourse is translated from Harada Sekkei Roshi’s book of compiled Sandokai lectures published under the title Sandokai Fusetsu (参同契普説).


Our practice is to adopt the path that Shakyamuni Buddha and the ancestors followed, and awaken to the reality that we, too, are the Dharma itself.


Resolving to practice in this way, for sure we can awaken to, reach the zenith/quintessence of the Dharma, to realize that the true form of things is no form.


It is of no use for someone to seek someone else’s truth/reality.


Now I would like to get into the Sandokai, the Merging of Difference and Equality, the sutra we chant during the morning service.

お釈迦様から第三十五代目の石頭希遷禅師がこのお示しを残されたということですが、現実に私たち    の目のあたりに見えている、それぞれの異なった相を「参」と呼んでおります

The Sandokai was written by Sekito Kisen Zenji. He is the 35th patriarch after Shakyamuni Buddha. The kanji for "san" in Sandokai refers to the forms, the manifold different forms that appear due to the eyes, or the sense of sight.


In other words, everything is mixed together, intermingling of everything in the universe.


Looking up, we see the sun and moon, the stars.


Looking down, there are mountains, rivers, grasses and trees.



There are the forms of men and women; there are Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, pratyekabuddha and sravakas; there are heavenly dwellers, humans, fighting devils, brutes, hungry ghosts, and hell-dwellers. In other words, the 10 worlds of samsara, the endless cycle of birth and suffering and death and rebirth.


In this way the kanji for "san" in Sandokai indicates and reveals the world of variety in the realms of differentiation and discrimination.


The kanji for "do" in Sandokai indicates sameness, equality, being equal. It expresses oneness.


The condition or state of everything, all things in nature, the whole of creation, including large and small things, all things long and short, round and square, strong and weak, all these things appear different and distinct, but from the aspect of their true nature, from the point of view of their real nature, it indicates there is no difference at all.


The "kai" of Sandokai means to be consistent with, to be in agreement, to be equivalent with.


This kanji "kai" is the same "kai" in the word for contract or agreement in Japanese, where all things, distinct and different as they are, and having their own function, merge into one whole without hindering or corrupting one another to express or demonstrate each thing's reality.



This discrimination/difference and equality and merging that is expressed in the Sandokai

can be expresses another way, as is written in the lyrics of a song you may know:

 「雨あられ雪や氷と隔つれど 落つれば同じ谷川の水」 という歌によんでおられる方があります

Just as rain, dew, snow and ice are different in form, they all melt to become the same mountain stream.


Examining all the activities on one's daily life from the standpoint of the Sandokai, it becomes very clear.


Buddhist teaching expresses the three elements/factors of matter: original form, original nature, and function or working based on its nature. We ourselves are the dharma, with manifold functions based on our original nature.


Our true form, our original nature is no original form.


Simply, through causal circumstances that brought our mother and father together, we were born.


The real issue is, When or from when did I become me?


When we thoroughly clarify the great matter, we find there never was this substance, form or formless thing, or incarnate we call me, myself.


Even though it is utterly impossible to perceive a personal self or an original nature of some sort,


We intentionally perceive a self by means of cognizance. We perceive ourselves to be man or woman, we then perceive others also as man and woman, and thus we create a dualistic point of view.


We perceive a gap between self of others.


We do the same thing with things like peace of mind and anxiety.


The reason anxiety arises is because we perceive a gap between self and other.


The true state of peace of mind is when the gap or distance between self and other is closed/removed, when it ceases.


Therefore great peace of mind, or true satisfaction is the condition or state of no separation or gap between self and other, or self and others.


In the Buddha Dharma, this is called Kensho, to see one's true nature, one's real nature.


Here, one must not be mistaken that seeing just into one's own true nature, this is not be said to be Kensho.


Kensho is seeing into the true nature of all things, that is, truly grasping the reality, giving actual proof, that the true nature of all things is no true nature, no real nature of their own.


Not only Kensho, but satori, or the word salvation or liberation, they all point to the condition where the gap or distance between self and things has disappeared.


For us, our Zen practice, in order to attain true peace of mind, great satisfaction, we endeavor to remove to distance or gap between ourselves and things, ourselves and others.


Anxiety and confusion arise because we perceive others, other people, other things, then start to compare and judge. It is after perceiving others that our confusion and anxiety arise.


But before we become aware of, or perceive, others, confusion and anxiety are non-existent.


Therefore, when we give actual proof to our original form, our true nature, then peace of mind is possible.


The 28th patriarch after Shakyamuni Buddha, Bodhidharma, went to China. The second patriarch Taiso Eko asked Bodhidharma, I have great dissatisfaction,


Please show me the path, or way, to peace of mind.

すると、達磨様がおっしゃるのに「汝が心をもちきたれ(あなたの心をもっていらっしゃい)」 二祖慧可大師は、かさねておたずねになりました

Then Bodhidharma said to Eka, Please bring me your mind. And Eka replied, It is impossible to grasp the mind;


In other words, what he is saying is that mind has no true form or nature of its own.


To that Bodhidharma said


If that is so, then how could there be something called anxiety or dissatisfaction?


It is a great mistake to perceive something that doesn’t (something non-existent) to exist, and then to think it does exist.


Hearing Bodhidharma say this, Eka experienced true peace of mind for the first time. This is a well-known story.


The story of the Third Patriarch who followed Eka Zenji and whose name was Sosan Zenji, is also famous.


The third patriarch had leprosy for a long time. Before he became a monk, he asked for the teaching from Eka Zenji.

 「私は、なにかの罪のためにこのような業病になったと思いますので、どうか私のために懺悔 をしてください」

Because of the karma of my past evil conduct I have become sick with this disease, I repent to you my sins. Forgive me for my sins.


If you became sick due to your sins, bring those sins to me, show them to me, said Eka.


Sosan replied, Even when I search for them, they are nowhere to be found.


Eka responded, Well, then, your sins are extinguished and repentance is complete.


Then, Sosan realized the emptiness of so-called sins, or bad karma, and awakened to the reality of true nature is no-nature, no real nature.


After that, he became a monk and succeeded Taiso Eka to become the third patriarch Kanchi Sosan. If he had not met the second patriarch, he probably would not have awakened to the reality that things like sins or faults cannot be grasped.


This illustrates that we ourselves must first practice and demonstrate the correct transmission of the Dharma, then expound to others the Dharma of repentance and the path to peace of mind.


Sekito Kisen Zenji brings this together from both the standpoint of the Dharma, through the concepts of form/character/function, and from the viewpoint of man/sentient beings.


Leaving with us today in the form of a poem the Sandokai.