「即今」の工夫 (第五巻二号昭和三十七年二月)

 The Zazen form or method called sokkon ‑‑“this very moment”.




I would like to talk about a zazen form or method, a way or means used in zazen practice called sokkon, or “this very moment”, “this very instant”, simply this moment as-it-is”.


This word “soku” from sokkon means (1) instantaneously; immediately;  also (2) that is (to say); namely; just; precisely; exactly; nothing but; neither more nor less


Sand is earth, or ground. Soil and land comes from sand.So without sand there would be no soil or land.


Therefore, sand and soil cannot be separated; they are one. It is like water and waves.


This is simply their natural condition or state without any relationship between the two.


Perhaps you can see that this natural condition itself is beyond, outside of, any reason or logic.


This is what is called the Supreme Dharma, supreme law of Buddha.


But intellectuals or people who are attached to words and explanations will start to analyze and break down, then start labeling and naming in order to try to make a point



But that is just the way the world turns. So this is not a criticism of the regular world


But I would just like you all to take up this one great matter of the Buddha Way, to really chew it up, and to accomplish this single and unparalleled purpose of attaining the Great Way.


In our daily lives we are moment by moment confronted with manifold, diverse circumstances which constantly set off the whole range of human feelings in our regular lives.


Moment by moment, when one can abide in the present moment, one will get a taste of, or can glimpse, this subtle richness/fulfillment where all things become one. Therefore one endeavors to preserve and foster one’s ability to remain in the immediate present at all times by cutting off past and future, and not losing this intimacy with the moment we call now, whatever circumstances may arise


This is why this form of zazen called sokkon, or just this very moment, is so important.


These days many people speak of religion and religious lifestyles


But I believe what most people believe to be a religious way of life is quite different from true religion.


My teacher Iida Toin Roshi said that truth is to prove, to give evidence to, the fundamental principle underlying reality..


In regard to our own daily lives, without this proof or evidence, what meaning does religion, or our lives have?


When you think about this, life, our lives, are the most precious and sacred thing.


Our life itself, exactly as it is, is truth


Therefore we should love, treat as precious, this mind and body, awaken to the reality or truth of the preciousness of this body and mind of ours.

これほど尊い体を持ち合わせてい ながら、自分で自分をくらまして、そうして、やれアーメン、やれナムアミダブツ、やれナムカンゼ オンボサツ、やれナムミョウホーレングギョウ、と、他土の往生を求めている

Even though we are already in possession of such a precious mind and body, we blind ourselves, deceive ourselves, and then thourgh some religious belief in gods or saints, or buddhas, look for some kind of salvation somewhere other than the present, or seek something in an afterlife


It is quite absurd


Men’s and women’s minds are weak in this way.


Since ancient past it was thought that man was lord over all creation. Man was very proud.


According to this saying, we should revere ourselves above all else.


It is regrettable that people are deceived by names, titles, and designations


Rather than names and designations, isn’t it more worthy to awaken to one’s true nature, one’s true body as it is, then show others the path of freedom from delusion.




What is it that is “this very moment”, the moment as it is ?


When speaking, what is speaking ?


When laughing, what is laughing ?


When crying, what is crying ?


When you say you’re crying now, are you crying ?


When you say you’re laughing now, are you laughing ?


When speaking, is there someone who is doing the speaking ?


Isn’t this an immediate problem, a close and present issue for all of us ?


Please investigate this very immediate issue/problem, this matter of the present moment as it is.