「即今」の工夫 (第五巻二号昭和三十七年二月) |
The Zazen form or method called sokkon ‑‑“this very moment”. |
この度は、「即今」の工夫に付いて御話をいたしましょう |
would like to talk about a zazen form or method, a way or means used in zazen
practice called sokkon, or “this very moment”, “this very instant”, simply
this moment as-it-is”. |
この「即」の字は、『スナワジ』とみられましたらよろしいです |
word “soku” from sokkon means (1) instantaneously; immediately; also (2) that is (to say); namely;
just; precisely; exactly; nothing but; neither more nor less |
砂は地つまり土地は砂から出来ていることであります、砂かなければ上地は出来ない |
is earth, or ground. Soil and land comes from sand.So without sand there
would be no soil or land. |
そこで砂と土地とは、はなれられないもので一つであります |
sand and soil cannot be separated; they are one. It is like water and waves. |
これは何等の関係なしに自然の模様であります |
is simply their natural condition or state without any relationship between
the two. |
このようすあいには、理由も理屈もないことは、ミナさんにもよくおわかりでしょう |
you can see that this natural condition itself is beyond, outside of, any
reason or logic. |
これを妙法と申すのです |
is what is called the Supreme Dharma, supreme law of Buddha. |
ところが学者の方は、これをいろいろ分析したり、或はいろいろの名称を与えて、世の中をにぎやわしておられるのです |
But intellectuals or people who
are attached to words and explanations will start to analyze and break down,
then start labeling and naming in order to try to make a point |
これも又人世のあやもようですから、別に非難するのではありません |
that is just the way the world turns. So this is not a criticism of the regular
world |
ただこの一実相を以って、私達はこの人世問題を味合って、人間としての最大目的を遂行して行きたいと願っているのであります |
I would just like you all to take up this one great matter of the Buddha Way,
to really chew it up, and to accomplish this single and unparalleled purpose
of attaining the Great Way. |
さて私達は日々の生活の中に在りまして、時々刻々に、いろいろの事柄にぶつかって、喜怒哀楽の妙を尽くして奏でているのであります |
In our daily lives we are moment
by moment confronted with manifold, diverse circumstances which constantly
set off the whole range of human feelings in our regular lives. |
この即今の上から、この妙味を味合います時、「砂は地」でありますから、先ず「スナワジ」をよくよく煎じて呑まなければならないのであります |
by moment, when one can abide in the present moment, one will get a taste of,
or can glimpse, this subtle richness/fulfillment where all things become one.
Therefore one endeavors to preserve and foster one’s ability to remain in the
immediate present at all times by cutting off past and future, and not losing
this intimacy with the moment we call now, whatever circumstances may arise |
そこで即今の工夫が大切になってくることになります |
is why this form of zazen called sokkon, or just this very moment, is so
important. |
今日の人々が宗教生活を云々していられますが、 |
days many people speak of religion and religious lifestyles |
これかみな縁述いお話しでまことに残念に思うのであります |
I believe what most people believe to be a religious way of life is quite
different from true religion. |
「事実は真理の証明者なり」と、檳隠老師も申しておられますが、その通りです |
teacher Iida Toin Roshi said that truth is to prove, to give evidence to, the
fundamental principle underlying reality.. |
我々のこの日々の生活はどうでしよう,この事実をぬきにしては宗教も人生もないのであります |
regard to our own daily lives, without this proof or evidence, what meaning
does religion, or our lives have? |
そうしてみると、この人生ほど尊いものはありません |
you think about this, life, our lives, are the most precious and sacred
thing. |
これが又真理の当体なのですから |
life itself, exactly as it is, is truth |
そこでこの身心自からも愛すべし、尊ぶべしと味合わなければなりません |
Therefore we should love, treat
as precious, this mind and body, awaken to the reality or truth of the
preciousness of this body and mind of ours. |
これほど尊い体を持ち合わせてい ながら、自分で自分をくらまして、そうして、やれアーメン、やれナムアミダブツ、やれナムカンゼ オンボサツ、やれナムミョウホーレングギョウ、と、他土の往生を求めている |
though we are already in possession of such a precious mind and body, we
blind ourselves, deceive ourselves, and then thourgh some religious belief in
gods or saints, or buddhas, look for some kind of salvation somewhere other
than the present, or seek something in an afterlife |
まことに笑止千万 |
is quite absurd |
人の心はかくも弱きものであろうか |
and women’s minds are weak in this way. |
昔より人間は万物の霊長と云うて、いばっているではありませんか |
ancient past it was thought that man was lord over all creation. Man was very
proud. |
この言葉に対しても、自分自身を、何物よりも尊敬して行くべきでしょう |
to this saying, we should revere ourselves above all else. |
言葉の上の名称に迷うと云うことは実に残念です |
is regrettable that people are deceived by names, titles, and designations |
それよりも自己の真理の当体に目覚めて、迷える人々の光となるべきでしょう |
than names and designations, isn’t it more worthy to awaken to one’s true
nature, one’s true body as it is, then show others the path of freedom from
delusion. |
前口上が大変長くなりました |
即今底ソモサン |
What is it that is “this very
moment”, the moment as it is ? |
云う時何が云うているか |
speaking, what is speaking ? |
笑う時何が笑うているか |
laughing, what is laughing ? |
泣く時何が泣いているか |
crying, what is crying ? |
今泣きますと云うて泣いていますか |
you say you’re crying now, are you
crying ? |
今笑いますと云うて笑っていますか |
you say you’re laughing now, are you
laughing ? |
シャベル時、今シャベつていると云うものがありますか |
speaking, is there someone who is doing the speaking ? |
大きな手近な問題ではありませんか |
this an immediate problem, a close and present issue for all of us ? |
ミナさんはこの手近な、否、即今の工夫をして下さい |
investigate this very immediate issue/problem, this matter of the present
moment as it is. |