「只 単 た  れ」

Be/become one; simply things as they are


There is no need to study the sutras, or to know their meaning


To simply, single-mindedly and wholeheartedly chant/read them is most important.


When doing handwork/manual labor, be utterly absorbed/undistracted in what you are doing. Whatever may arise, brush it aside, just ignore it. It is very important to simply become one, assimilate with, just the activity of the present moment.


Whatever may arise trying to intervene in the present moments activity, throw it awaycut it offand solely become one with the activity itself.


At all times in whatever you do, approach every activity in a way to simply do it, to simply or solely be/become the activity itself.


When ones own thinking interrupts/intervenes, it obstructs the Dharma (the true nature of the thing itself). Therefore be careful and endeavor to honestly and simply be one with the thing/activity itself just as it is.


Zen is to become one, to be just the thing itself.


Zen is not just sitting, not just the sitting.


No matter what the activity is, very simply take care just become one with the thing itself, just as it is.


Even speaking about the practice of the Buddha Way, it is only a matter of this.


Please regard the content of the sutras and the teaching as merely an explanation of the Way.


When you wholehearted work/knead/temper this just, or simply, in other words, zazen/zen of the present moment as it is, then you will see/understand it is the same as your whole body chanting a sutra


Make your practice the practice of things simply as they are, just as they are, the practice of things themselves, without the self intervening


Doing like this, you are assured that you are always practicing the Buddha Way


One never tires of chanting sutras all day long. These are words by someone in the past who clarified the Way.


When your life becomes like this, I think one realizes how important daily life is in our practice


Dont worry about whether ones faults/vices are deep-rooted or shallow and trivial. Just continue your practice of simply, simply things as they are


If you do, days of boundless blessing and grace will be revealed