The following zoom teisho Koten Roshi gave in February 2023. It was first given by Harada Sekkei Roshi in 1984 at Kinmokutsu Dojo, a Rinzai dojo in Munich, Germany.



The Zen monk Ingen of the Obaku sect arrived at the port of Nagasaki in Japan,


As you know, there are three sects of Zen Buddhism: Soto sect, Rinzai sect, and Obaku sect. Master Ingen belonged to the Obaku sect.


Master Obaku is the founder of the Obaku sect.


When Master Ingen landed in Nagasaki, the first thing he wanted to do was to crush or shut down the Soto sect. So he raised a large flag that said “Destroy the Soto Sect, Wipe Out Soto Zen”. Ingen wanted to be the one to wipe out the Soto school. So he raised this flag to announce it to everyone.


This caused a great uproar or commotion within the Soto sect.


All of the highly respected monks of the Soto sect went to meet Master Ingen to debate the Dharma, but they were all overwhelmed by Master Ingen and returned home humiliated and ashamed.


Finally, just as the Soto sect was right on the verge of being crushed by the Obaku sect Master Ingen, one more Soto sect monk came forward. The name of this monk was Sogyo.


Sogyo was the tenzo of a monastery. But no one who ever regarded him as having the ability to debate the Dharma with Master Ingen


But Sogyo said, “I’ll go and try.” He was a young monk, but no one tried to prevent him from going. So he set off for Nagasaki to confront master Ingen to debate the Dharma.


You may ask what kind of debate did Sogyo and Master Ingen have. Sogyo brought with him a very long stick of incense that was about one meter long. This kind of very long incense is still used today. The monk Sogyo lit the incense and walked toward Master Ingen.


Master Ingen stood there waiting while holding an iron kyosaku.


Sogyo approached Master Ingen and stood there silently holding the long stick of incense without saying a single word.


Sogyo continued to stand there silently as the long stick of incense slowly became shorter and shorter.


Then Master Ingen finally broke the silence and said, “Now say something!”


Then Sogyo who has been holding this long stick of incense for so long speaks for the first time, he simply says “For the momentous importance of the Great Dharma.” When Sogyo said the Great Dharma, he is talking about the True Dharma. And saying momentous importance, he speaks of the Dharma being of paramount importance, of being gravely or crucially important. That was all that Sogyo said. “For the momentous importance of the Great Dharma.”


And that was the extent of the debate between Master Ingen and Sogyo.


But after Sogyo spoke, Master Ingen laid down his iron kyosaku in front of him and said, “I didn’t think there still remained in Japan such an able monk as this.” Then master Ingen took down the sign or banner he had put up saying “Destroy the Soto sect.” This story is a famous one.


This able and worthy monk Sogyo left a poem for posterity.


It is a little bit difficult to understand. Basically it says: “When I trained long years in the monastery, I was beaten by the kyosaku until my whole body turned blue.”


“When I think of my training days now, it is so terrifying that my hair stands up straight.”


“It is impossible to taste and know true joy and fulfillment without experiencing that kind of pain and suffering.”


“Looking back and reconsidering this, if only I had been beaten more when I was a young, practicing monk, then I wouldn't be the half-baked monk I am today.”

This describes how he actually feels. He describes “the soft stick”, him being hit so hard his body turned blue, and he still turns around and actually says “the stick was too soft.”



Even these days in sodo’s in Japan and probably elsewhere, too, the kyosaku is probably a bit weak or soft.


But if the kyosaku is used too robustly/energetically, then laypeople won’t come to the temple or monastery.


It was because Sogyo was this kind of monk that he was able to say, “For the momentous importance of the Great Dharma” when he met master Ingen.



I talk a lot when we meet for a few days for sesshin, but this really isn’t being very kind.



I should actually just pick up my kyosaku and go around hitting everybody until they all turn blue. This would really be much kinder than talking to you.



I would just like you all to know that truly seeking the Way really does require a tremendous and continuous effort on your part.



I would like to mention here something written in Dogen Zenji's Shobogenzo, The Eye and Treasure of the True Dharma.


In the Bendowa chapter: A Discourse on the Practice of Zazen, a discourse written by Dogen Zenji, the following is written:

People are already fully and abundantly endowed with the Dharma in every way, but until they practice or train, it will not  manifest or come into being. And unless they personally confirm, or prove it for themselves, there is no way for them to realize, or grasp, to make it their own.



I’ll say it once more;

People are already fully and abundantly endowed with the Dharma in every way, but until they practice or train, It will not emerge or manifest, or come into being. And unless they personally confirm, or prove it for themselves, there is no way for them to realize, or grasp, to make it their own.


What is this saying? The Dharma that Dogen is talking about is everybody's present reality right now. It is called the Dharma, one's present reality, thusness or suchness, it is called the Dharma of things as they are, one's present condition, the present condition of all things.


This Dharma, the Dharma of thusness, is what the Heart Sutra describes as no excess and no lack, flawless and without any meaning, import, or substance attached.


This is the Dharma that Dogen Zenji is talking about.



“People are already fully and abundantly endowed with the Dharma in every way.”

People indicates all of the different kinds of people. Each and every one is different. Different, but simply different, different as such, thusly different. Big people are simply big as such. Small people are simply small as such.


Each person with his or her own circumstances, or conditions. Each is different /distinct, but simply different or distinct just as it is.


In the Heart Sutra, distinct or differentiated, as it is, is what is called emptiness.


I mentioned earlier that each and every thing has its own function according to or depending on circumstances at that time. This is what is called emptiness.


This not only includes things or objects, but also people, men, women as well.


This is why men and women, people and also things and objects, are all invariably the form of emptiness. Therefore there is no differentiation or discrimination. There is no such thing as making distinctions or differentiating.



This is what This Dharma in the text is. This is called the Dharma of Suchness/ Thusness/ as-it-is-ness.


But it is not a matter of we doing Zen practice to become this state or condition of as-it-is. Instead, through practice we realize/consent to the fact that whatever our circumstances may be, it is the full and complete manifestation of the Dharma.


Therefore, Zen or zazen is not a tool or a means of some kind to be used to make up for any lack or something missing, nor is it to be used to get rid of excess or things not needed. Zen shouldn’t be used as a means or way for doing something.