
In Buddhism there are many precepts that we must keep


Among them is the precept not to kill. One must not take a life. It is the precept: thou shall not kill


But these days, according to present day reasoning, all things are the self, that all things are derived from the self/oneself.


Therefore, to sever the life of something is equal to severing one’s own life.


The reason that “thou shall not kill”, “do not take a life” is the first precept is, to become Buddha, or even though we are all just as we are Buddha, or even though all of us are able to become Buddha, in spite of this, if one rejects Buddha saying “Becoming Buddha is not for me”, this denies/contradicts/kills the original nature of things as they are. Although the connection to become Buddha is ours, that foundation or basis is taken/severed, therefore the precept “do not kill” is placed as the first precept.


Therefore, if one just abides by or keeps the one precept of “do not take life”, follows it utterly, or completely, then even though there are maybe 200 or 300 numerous precepts, then it can reasonably be said that without a doubt all of the precepts are being kept or followed.


Perhaps the most difficult precept to keep is the precept “do not become angry.” There is the precept “do not hate or become angry.”


For a person who becomes angry easily, if they would approach their anger from the genjo koan, or koan of their present condition, making the effort to keep or preserve just this one precept, then one can really become truly enlightened. Moreover, all of the precepts will be preserved. This is why it is recommended that someone who becomes angry easily should investigate the genjo koan, the koan of becoming one with their present condition.


In ancient China there was a truly great monk whose name was Joshu.


A monk came to Joshu and inquired about the Way.


He asked, What is the Way, the Path?


In reply, Joshu opened the window and pointed to the road outside.


The monk said, I am not talking about that path/way.


I am inquiring about the True Way.


At another time, Joshu was asked the same question, What is the Way? Joshu answered, ordinary mind, everyday mind is the Way.


Ordinary or everyday mind is getting up in the morning; it is eating a meal; it is getting ready to go to work, putting on your clothes or make-up. These are all everyday mind.


Joshu was saying that our present way of life right now is the Way.


But the monk who asked Joshu about the Way didn’t understand what Joshu said.


So the monk asked a second question to Joshu Zenji


He asked again, I don’t understand what you say. What should I do to come to understand the Way? If the path or way that I am seeking is the everyday mind, what do I do to understand/see that?


Joshu Zenji replied, If you try to understand, you go in a direction opposite the Way. Joshu is saying, It is not something one is able to understand, comprehend, or know.


Hearing this, the monk asking questions now becomes more and more confused. So he asks again, if you don’t try to understand, how are you going to know what it is?


This is how Joshu Zenji answered:


One’s present condition has no relation to knowing or not knowing, not needing to know


Whatever the circumstances, it is a matter of things as they are, the thing itself. But acknowledging or perceiving that our daily life now as it as is, is the Way – that it is what we were seeking – then that is delusion, too.


On the other hand, in the case that there really is only this present reality, one may decide then there is no need to know. But that is tolerating, enduring, or just living with one’s condition


To go a little farther into this koan, there is another koan with this question and answer.


This is another story from China. A monk is doing zazen.


His/her master comes up close to him/her, and asks, what are you doing? The disciple says, I am doing zazen trying to become Buddha.


Then the master picks up a piece of broken roof tile laying nearby and immediately begins to rub/polish it with a stone.


Then the monk who is wholeheartedly doing zazen to become Buddha asks the master, what are you trying to do by rubbing a stone against that piece of tile?


The master replied, I am trying to make a mirror.


The monk ten asked, can a piece of tile become a mirror?


The master replied, can someone become Buddha by doing zazen?


This story has a profound meaning. The story ends with a simple question, but in truth many people do zazen in order to become Buddha


Dogen Zenji in his Shobogenzo, The Treasure and Eye of the True Dharma, has this to say:


Zazen is the practice of Buddha; it is not the practice of a common person. This means, only Buddha can do zazen


That is exactly what he means. A common person cannot possibly do zazen


It is to this extend that there is no gap between our present condition and our becoming Buddha in the future


The six senses, or six sense functions that man is endowed with, these work freely and unrestricted. We talk about the six functions. Sounds can be heard. If we want to think, we can think. When we ourselves don’t understand something, we understand that we don’t understand.


It is in this way, all of these six functions work purely and unrestricted. This is called samadhi, zanmai.


In regard to zazen this is very important. Calmly sitting zazen, quietly one enters samadhi.


One gives everything over to the functioning of the six senses of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and heart/mind. Having left utterly everything up to the senses, this is samadhi/zanmai.


For example, for someone who is investigating a koan, become that koan’s problem as it is, become the consciousness of the problem, of the koan just as it is.


It is not a matter of the problem consciousness and yourself who is erecting/raising the problem consciousness. They are not 2 separate things.


Therefore, the koan, become the problem consciousness itself. This is the zazen of koan zen


In the zazen practice of Shikantaza, give complete freedom to all the human faculties/functions and let them work for themselves


Therefore, give everything over to the problem consciousness. This problem consciousness is naturally something that arises in the mind, so in the mind when various thoughts do arise, we disregard them, letting them alone. Again, if it’s Shikantaza, we allow all our functions complete freedom in our practice of zazen. In the end, both of these are the same.


Consequently, the zazen of shikantaza and the zazen of koan zen are completely identical.


Therefore, leave everything as it is and leave the working of the mind as it is. It is to allow the working of all human functions to operate themselves. This is the main point of zazen.